Warehousing and Materials Control
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Warehousing and Materials Control
De Roses will control all tools, equipment spares, and De Roses-supplied materials through a central warehouse and yard. All items will be checked upon receipt for quantity, conformance with specifications, damage, and tag or identification number, and entered on stock cards.
A materials receipt report and, if applicable, an overage, shortage or damage report will be prepared. Issue of materials will be made on a materials receipt form signed by a signatory from a limited list of persons authorized by the project Manager.
- De Roses shall submit its complete warehouse/yard plan, showing lay-out of covering areas
All materials yards shall be fenced and provided with gates, which shall be locked outside normal working hours and guarded at all times.
De Roses shall submit its complete warehouse/yard plan, showing lay-out of covering areas, hard standing areas, non-paved areas, access roads, fences etc, to client for approval, prior to the receipt of the first project materials.